User Guide

Object autommaper based on type hints.


Using pip:

pip install advanced-automapper

Using poetry

poetry add advanced-automapper

Get started

It is important to note that PyAutomapper requieres that both origin and destination classes have have type hints to define the type for every field.

Let’s say you have a Pydantic model called Person, and you need to map it to a SqlAlchmey model to save it to a database:

# Python code here

To create a PersonAlchemy object:

from automapper import mapper

mapped_person =, PersonAlchemy)


Add custom mapping

PyAutomapper allows to map fields with different names between them using custom mapping.

Imagine that, in the previous SqlAlchemy class the gender field is called “genero”:

# Python code here

The solution is to add a cutom mapping in the Mapper relating the field “gender”, in the source class, with “genero” in the target.

from automapper import mapper

mapper.add_custom_mapping(PersonPydantic, "gender", "genero")

mapped_person =, PersonAlchemy)


More examples

The tests folder in the code repository contains examples of mapping between different python objects.