
exception auth_middleware.exceptions.InvalidAuthorizationException(status_code: Annotated[int, Doc('\n                HTTP status code to send to the client.\n                ')], detail: Annotated[Any, Doc('\n                Any data to be sent to the client in the `detail` key of the JSON\n                response.\n                ')] = None, headers: Annotated[Dict[str, str] | None, Doc('\n                Any headers to send to the client in the response.\n                ')] = None)

Exception thrown when the authorization header is invalid


HTTPException (_type_): _description_

exception auth_middleware.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException(status_code: Annotated[int, Doc('\n                HTTP status code to send to the client.\n                ')], detail: Annotated[Any, Doc('\n                Any data to be sent to the client in the `detail` key of the JSON\n                response.\n                ')] = None, headers: Annotated[Dict[str, str] | None, Doc('\n                Any headers to send to the client in the response.\n                ')] = None)

Exception thrown when the user credentials are invalid


HTTPException (_type_): _description_

exception auth_middleware.exceptions.InvalidTokenException(status_code: Annotated[int, Doc('\n                HTTP status code to send to the client.\n                ')], detail: Annotated[Any, Doc('\n                Any data to be sent to the client in the `detail` key of the JSON\n                response.\n                ')] = None, headers: Annotated[Dict[str, str] | None, Doc('\n                Any headers to send to the client in the response.\n                ')] = None)

Exception thrown when the token is invalid


HTTPException (_type_): _description_